Understanding Human Resources

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This eBook provides a clear understanding of the HR professional’s role and the importance of effective communication. You’ll learn the key steps in recruitment and selection, including job posting, interviews, and candidate evaluation.

We’ll explore different interview types, such as behavioral, competency-based, panel, and stress interviews, to help you choose the best candidates. You’ll also discover essential HR KPIs like time-to-fill, cost-per-hire, and employee engagement, along with strategies to measure and improve them.

Additionally, the eBook covers succession planning, organizational culture, change management, HR analytics, and the future of HR.

SKU: BW-100304


Customer Reviews

1-5 of 2 reviews

  • aslam

    I like it very good product

    August 19, 2020
  • aslam

    Interesting Highly recommended

    August 19, 2020

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